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How Often Do You Need To Replace Your Glasses Or Contact Lenses

Your eyes change gradually as you age, meaning the prescription lenses you purchased several years ago may not provide the same vision correction as they used to. If you are experiencing blurred vision or discomfort while wearing your eyeglasses or contact lenses, it may be time to update your prescription. Griswold Eye Care in Jewett City, CT, is here to tell you how often you need to replace your eyeglasses and contact lenses to maintain clear and comfortable vision.

How often should you replace your eyeglasses?

The timeframe for replacing eyeglasses may differ from one person to the next. In general, our optometrist recommends getting new glasses every few years. However, you should schedule routine eye exams to detect changes in your vision that require more frequent updates to your prescription. Our optometrist will evaluate your eyes and adjust your prescription to ensure visual clarity and comfort.

Signs It May Be Time to Upgrade Your Eyewear

Here are some signs to watch out for that indicate you may need new glasses:

  •  Your vision is starting to blur
  • You have lost clarity in your up-close or distance vision
  • You are constantly squinting
  • Your eyes are sore or tired
  • You experience frequent headaches

Damaged lenses or frames require immediate repair or replacement since these can cause significant vision issues and discomfort. Visiting your optometrist near you to update your glasses can help rectify these issues and other problems with your eyesight.

When to Replace Contact Lenses

Your contact lens replacement schedule will depend on your contact type. For example, daily disposable lenses get disposed of and replaced at the end of each day. 30-day contacts need monthly replacing. Overnight contact lenses can last between a week to 30 days. Our eye doctor may recommend more frequent replacements if you have eye conditions or sensitive eyes.

Protect Your Eye Health With Quality Optometry Care in Jewett City, CT

Whether you need updated eyeglasses and contacts or other optometry services to protect your eye and vision health, Griswold Eye Care in Jewett City, CT, has you covered. Call us and schedule an appointment with our eye doctor at 860-376-2848 to keep your eyes healthy and vision strong.

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